10 Times One Direction Sang "Happy Birthday"

We are so excited to celebrate our birthday week with everyone! There is something special about watching One Direction sing “Happy Birthday” to the fans and each other. We wanted to share 10 of our favorite times the One Direction boys sang “Happy Birthday”.

1. When They Sang “Happy Birthday” To Niall

2. When They Sang “Happy Birthday” To Paul, Their Tour Manager

3. Fetus 1D Sings To Fetus Zayn

4. Liam’s 22nd Birthday And An Amazing Group Hug

5. Singing “Happy Birthday” To BooBear (Louis)

6. When They Sang To Harry For His Birthday


7. When They Sang “Happy Birthday” To Lexi…Not Trevor

8. When Harry Posed For This Birthday Song

9. When They Sang To Josh

10. “Happy Birthday” Dear Chloe, Not Joey….


We just want to thank everyone of you for sharing in our birthday week with us! Without your love and support, CelebMix would not be possible. 

Have you ever been to One Direction show on your birthday? If so, Tweet us at our 1D Twitter page and let us know!
